已确认的该文章中的语句1:"the science of biology has reached a new frontier"
已确认的该文章中的语句2:"a revolution far greater in its potential significance than........."
该文的---人物---关键词:Drs Marshall W. Nirerberg and J. Heinrich Matthaei, 或 Nirenberg, Matthaei;
或有 "Severo Ochoa"
该文的---事件---关键词:code, decipher, crack, poly-U; phenylalanine;
或有 “Moscow International Congress of Biochemistry”,
或有 “message”, “four-letter alphabet”
该文的---时间---关键词: 1961,或者,August 1961,
或有 “May 1961”;
该文的---地点---关键词: NIH 或 National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases,
或有 “Moscow”;
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