Annals of Medicine 的投稿经历太奇葩了,2年3次大修,
最后Accpet(Your submission to Annals of Medicine (Elevate) has now been considered. We are pleased to accept your paper in itscurrent form which will now be forwarded to the publisher for copy editing and typesetting.You will receive proofs for checking, and instructions for transfer of copyright in due course.The publisher also requests that proofs are checked through the publisher's tracking system and returned within 48 hours of receipt.)
3天后又来一封竟然给拒稿了,没有任何理由(Annals of Medicine(Elevate): You may have received an email from the Editorial Team of theJournal Annals of Medicine regarding your submission to the journal of Annals of Medicine. The journal has a policy to conduct further checks on accepted manuscripts prior to publication.Unfortunately,your manuscriptdoes not comply with the Journal'spolicies and standards. GivenI am afraid wethese concerns,cannot proceed to publication withyour paper and will be rescindingthe accept decision.)