Journal of Alloys and Compounds 具有交互式绘图查看器,请参阅:http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots。交互式绘图可轻松访问绘图背后的数据。要在您的文章中加入一个,请准备一个包含您的绘图数据的.csv文件,并在提交前 http://authortools.elsevier.com/interactiveplots/verification 在线测试作为补充材料。
合金与化合物杂志采用交互式绘图查看器,请参见:http://www.elsevier.com/interactiveplots。交互式绘图可以方便地访问绘图背后的数据。要在文章中包含一个,请准备一个包含绘图数据的.csv文件,并在 http://authortools.elsevier.com/interactiveplots/verify 在作为补充材料提交之前。
在您的出版物中包含交互式数据可视化,让您的读者与您的研究进行更密切的互动和参与。请按照以下说明操作:https://www.elsevier.com/authors ... /data-visualization 了解可用的数据可视化选项以及如何将它们包含在您的文章中。
在你的出版物中包括交互式数据可视化,让你的读者与你的研究更密切地互动和参与。请遵循以下说明:https://www.elsevier.com/authors ...s/datavisualization以了解可用的数据可视化选项以及如何将它们包含在您的文章中。
I have carefully reviewed each of your replies and appreciate the time and effort you put into our manuscript. You mentioned " Journal of Alloys and Compounds features the Interactive Plot Viewer" in the reply, and we have prepared the .csv files containing the plotting data as requested. However, probably due to our negligence and unfamiliarity with the system, I did not successfully find the correct location to upload the .csv files.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused. We would be more than happy to re-upload these materials in the format required by the journal, by email or in any other form. If you require further information or materials, I will be ready to provide them at any time.