ABSTRACT Described in this paper is an instructional model for higher-order thinking skills that is mainly based or research and theory about the processing of information in linguistic form. The model itself, basically a framework within which teachers can interact with students about information, has 10 categories of thinking skills: recognition of concepts, relationships, and patterns; information reconstruction, evaluation, and extrapolation; problem solving; and knowledge of basic input-output processes, content-specific tasks, and self as learner. In addition to briefly describing other commonly used models of thinking skills and noting criteria for thinking-skills model development, the first section of the discussion characterizes each skill, identifies the theoretical base from which it was devised, and reports research supporting its instructional utility. The second section outlines general instructional implications of the thinking skills model. It is concluded that, in its present form, the model can be implemented at any grade level within any instructional framework because its focal point is the teacher and his or her interaction with students. A 9-page list of references concludes the document. (RH)