This Data Item introduces the subject of flow in applications where rotating machinery components induceflow rotation. There are many examples of rotating and swirling flow in engineering such as the flowbetween a stationary disc and a rotating disc, in a gas turbine engine or turbocharger, and the flow in anannulus with a rotating inner cylinder, between the armature and stator of an electric motor.
The aim of this Data Item is to introduce the phenomena involved in rotating flows and to provide the readerwith guidance and techniques for modelling specific rotating flow applications. The flow applicationsconsidered in this Data Item relate to disc and cylindrical geometries, i.e. rotating discs, cylinders andcavities, predominantly in steady-state, stable flow conditions. The correlations provided are based onanalytical, experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling of the flow and can be usedin parametric design studies and optimisation.