To determine the pharmacokinetics, distribution and mutual transformation of the total alkaloids, jatrorrhizine, coptisine, berberine and palmatine from Coptis chinensis in rats.After the total alkaloids and berberine were fed into rats, their contents in plasma, tissues and gastrointestinal tract were determined by reversed-phase HPLC.The peak times of berberine in blood were 2.0 h (Cmax 3.7 mg x L(-1)) and 5.0 h Cmax 2.8 mg x L(-1)), respectively. Berberine in rat blood can be transformed into jatrorrhizine. After the rats were fed with the total alkaloids by gavage, the content of berberine was decreased monotonously, while coptisine, palmatine and jatrorrhizine contents were increased gradually in the stomach, it speculated that berberine may be transformed into jatrorrhizine in the stomach. Animal experiments showed that berberine and palmatine were mainly distributed in the lungs of animals, followed by the distribution in the liver, while jatrorrhizine and coptisine was mainly in the liver, then in the lungs.Berberine could transform into jatrorrhizine. The mechanism on the appearance of two maximum blood concentration of berberine in blood could be explained with the propulsion of the gastrointestinal tract partly.