To minimize the human–machine conflict in the shared steering control system and protect the driving intention of the driver, a human-centered shared steering control system is proposed in obstacle avoidance scenarios. First, a framework is proposed based on the parallel shared steering control system framework, which includes the trajectory reconstruction, driver model, authority allocation model, autonomous controller, and vehicle. And mathematical model of the sub-modules in the shared steering control system is constructed. Then, the trajectory reconstruction method considering the driving intention of the driver is designed. A trigger mechanism with human–machine conflict as input is designed for trajectory reconstruction. More specifically, to protect the driving intention of the driver, the steering input of the driver is used as the constraint to reconstruct the trajectory. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by simulation. The simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively reduce human–machine conflict while the driving intention of the driver is protected. However, the trajectory tracking performance and lateral stability of the vehicle may be may sacrificed within a limited extent.