Abstract This work proposes a coupled kinetic model to capture the spatiotemporal evolution behaviors of reactive species generated by a grating-like dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated in flowing humid air. The coupled model incorporates a zero-dimensional (0D) discharge model for the discharge filament and a 0D kinetic model or two-dimensional (2D) fluid model for the afterglow region. The model is experimentally validated by the ozone measurements under different airflow rates and power levels. With the pseudo-1D plug flow approximation, the spatial distribution of species obtained by the 0D afterglow model agrees well with the 2D fluid model. The kinetics of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the discharge and afterglow region and the underlying pathways are analyzed. It is predicted by the model that there exists an optimal discharge power or airflow rate to acquire a maximum density of short-lived species (OH, O 2 (a 1 Δ), HO 2 , etc) delivered to a given location in the afterglow region. The key factor influencing the plasma chemistry is discharge power, regardless of initial species density, and less concerned with pulse width. The proposed model provides hints for a better understanding of DBD-relevant plasma chemistry operated in ambient air.