A colorimetric probe was developed to detect N2H4 content based on the colour change in natural light, and the recognition mechanism is the N2H4 cutting the ester bond of probe 1. As the N2H4 concentration increases, the Ultraviolet absorption ratio (A352nm/A505nm) of the probe solution was gradually increases, and the colour of the solution changed from colourless to pink under natural light. The detection limit of probe 1 for N2H4 was 0.1 μM. The probe can also be applied to test paper detection, and the test paper of probe was changed from colourless to fluorescent yellow under UV light as the concentration of N2H4 increased. There was a linear functional relationship between the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values of the photos and the N2H4 concentration. Probe 1 is a rapid detection tool for N2H4 concentration using a smartphone. Furthermore, the probe can also be used to detect N2H4 in tap water, tea and apple juice.