Neutrophils represent the most abundant myeloid cell subtype in the non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumor microenvironment (TME). By anti- or protumor polarization, they impact multiple aspects of tumor biology and affect sensitivity to conventional therapies and immunotherapies. Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analyses have unraveled an extensive neutrophil heterogeneity, helping our understanding of their pleiotropic role. In this review we summarize recent data and models on tumor-associated neutrophil (TAN) biology, focusing on the diversity that evolves in response to tumor-intrinsic cues. We categorize available transcriptomic profiles from different cancer entities into a defined set of neutrophil subclusters with distinct phenotypic properties, to step beyond the traditional binary N1/2 classification. Finally, we discuss potential ways to exploit these neutrophil states in the setting of anticancer therapy.