Orbital angular momentum (OAM) mode offers a promising modulation dimension for high-order shift-keying (SK) communication due to its mode orthogonality. However, the expansion of modulation order through superposing OAM modes is constrained by the mode-field mismatch resulting from the rapidly increased divergence with mode orders. Herein, we address this problem by propose a phase-difference modulation strategy that breaks the limitation of modulation orders via introducing a phase-difference degree of freedom (DoF) beyond OAM modes. Phase-difference modulation exploits the sensitivity of mode interference to phase differences, thereby providing distinct tunable parameters. This enables the generation of a series of codable spatial modes with continuous variation within the same superposed OAM modes by manipulating the interference state. Due to the inherent independence between OAM mode and phase-difference DoF, the number of codable modes increases exponentially, which facilitates establishing ultra-high-order phase shift-keying by discretizing the continuous phase difference and establishing a one-to-one mapping between coding symbols and constructed modes. We show that a phase shift-keying communication link with a modulation order of up to 4 × 10