The aim of this work was to determine rheological and disperse characteristics and stability of oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by soy protein isolate (SPI) and xanthan gum (XG), as natural components. The effects of their combination on emulsion stabilization have not been investigated yet. The existence of interactions between the two macromolecules were indicated by the influence of XG on SPI surface hydrophobicity and surface tension values. Increase in SPI concentration from 1 to 3 % shift of distribution curves towards smaller particle size, while the opposite effects of further increase of SPI was obtained. The emulsions stabilized by SPI showed shear-thinning flow behavior, which changed to thixotropic at 5 % of SPI concentration. The presence of XG in emulsions at low concentrations did not affect the size distribution of the droplets, while at 0.1 % of XG Sauter mean diameter value raised and distribution curves were shifted towards a higher particle size. The presence of XG at higher concentration resulted in thixotropic flow behavior of emulsions. Also, increase in XG concentration led to the increase in consistency index and extent of non-Newtonian behavior of emulsions and enhanced the influence of the elastic modulus and creaming stability of the systems.