Spatial games provide a simple and elegant mathematical model to study the evolution of cooperation in networks. In spatial games, individuals reside in vertices, adopt simple strategies, and interact with neighbors to receive a payoff. Depending on their own and neighbors’ payoffs, individuals can change their strategy. The payoff is determined by the Prisoners’ Dilemma, a classical matrix game, where players cooperate or defect. While cooperation is the desired behavior, defection provides a higher payoff for a selfish individual. There are many theoretical and empirical studies related to the role of the network in the evolution of cooperation. However, the fundamental question of whether there exist networks that for low initial cooperation rate ensure a high chance of fixation, i.e., cooperation spreads across the whole population, has remained elusive for spatial games with strong selection. In this work, we answer this fundamental question in the affirmative by presenting network structures that ensure high fixation probability for cooperators in the strong selection regime. Besides, our structures have many desirable properties: (a) they ensure the spread of cooperation even for a low initial density of cooperation and high temptation of defection, (b) they have constant degrees, and (c) the number of steps, until cooperation spreads, is at most quadratic in the size of the network.