A balanced and nutritious feed is necessary to ensure optimal egg production. Chickens that are raised for sustaining a high level of egg production primarily rely on specific feeds tailored to meet their dietary requirements. The nutritional composition is profoundly influenced by the feed sources, rich in protein (soybean meal), energy (corn) and Ω- enriched sources (flax seed, chia seed, fish oil) provided to laying hens, specifically, the inclusion of various animal and plant oils in the hens' diets can result in diverse effects on the overall health of the human beings. The Ω-eggs are distinguished by their significant content of essential Ω-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that enhance the overall nutritional quality, particularly beneficial for consumers who may not regularly consume fish. The addition of tocopherols considerably improves egg quality and they act as antioxidants. The Ω-3 fatty acids, known as healthy fats, play a significant role in enhancing human health, specifically preventing heart diseases by lowering triglyceride (TG) levels. A daily intake of just 200 milligrams of DHA has decreased the likelihood of sudden cardiac arrest by 50%. The Ω-3 fatty acids exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, helping to moderate inflammation in the body, which is imperative for managing conditions like arthritis and autoimmune disorders. The Ω-3s enriched food should be prioritised for dietary inclusion, as obtaining these fatty acids from food sources is generally more beneficial than relying on supplements. This presented review intends to provide a comprehensive overview and information to reader from hen's feed to end consumer as many egg products including dried, frozen, pre-cooked, and liquid have been tailored in the market to suit the specific needs of food processors, food businesses, commercial food producers and consumers considering factors of cost, transport ease, handling, sensory attributes and shelf life.