This paper presents a Wi-Fi RF transceiver with a 2.4GHz/5GHz/6GHz tri-band switchable design. To support the wide 320MHz channel BW for Wi-Fi 7, the RF LC-tank response and TXLPF drooping are compensated via a proposed TX flatness calibration scheme that flattens the amplitude difference over the 320MHz signal bandwidth and improves the EVM over each sub-carrier. This work also proposes a reset-pulse XO design to significantly reduce the XO phase noise. A VCO pushing compensation and calibration technique is developed to suppress the sensitivity to LDO noise and DC-DC spurs. The integrated PLL RMS jitter is 57.9fs at 7.115GHz. The measured TX EVM floor achieves -42.6dB at OdBm output power with EHT320 4096-QAM signals. This RF Transceiver occupies 3.74mm 2 in 55nm CMOS technology.