The physicochemical properties of octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) starches prepared from waxy maize and amaranth starches as a function of OSA concentration used for modification of starch were studied. Swelling power increased significantly with an increase in concentration of OSA and temperature for both waxy corn and amaranth starches. Brabender viscoamylograph of OSA-modified starches showed an increase in peak viscosity and a decrease in breakdown viscosity on modification. Freeze-thaw stability improved with an increase in OSA concentration used for modification, and so also the paste clarity of the starches. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermograms of OSA-modified starches showed lower onset temperature ( T o ), peak temperature ( T p ), conclusion temperature ( T c ), and endothermic energy (Δ H g ) than their native counterpart. X-ray diffraction analysis did not show any significant alteration in the crystallinity of starch on treatment with OSA for both starches.