Let 0>β≤α>10 > \beta \leq \alpha > 1 and κ>0\kappa > 0. I prove that there exists η>0\eta > 0 such that the following holds for every pair of Borel sets A,B⊂RA,B \subset \mathbb {R} with dimHA=α\dim _{\mathrm {H}} A = \alpha and dimHB=β\dim _{\mathrm {H}} B = \beta: dimH{c∈R:dimH(A+cB)≤α+η}≤α−β1−β+κ.\begin{equation*} \dim _{\mathrm {H}} \{c \in \mathbb {R}: \dim _{\mathrm {H}} (A + cB) \leq \alpha + \eta \} \leq \tfrac {\alpha - \beta }{1 - \beta } + \kappa . \end{equation*} This extends a result of Bourgain from 2010, which contained the case α=β\alpha = \beta. The paper also contains a δ\delta-discretised, and somewhat stronger, version of the estimate above, and new information on the size of long sums of the form a1B+…+anBa_{1}B + \ldots + a_{n}B.