Abstract Background: Tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol derived from virgin olive oil and olives extract, have wide applications both as functional food components and as nutraceuticals. However, they have low bioavailability due to their low absorption and high metabolism in human liver and small intestine. Acetylation of tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol can effectively improve their bioavailability and thus increase their potential use in the food and cosmeceutical industries. There is no report on the bioproductin of tyrosol acetate and hydroxytyrosol acetate so far. Thus, it is of great significance to develop microbial cell factories for achieving tyrosol acetate or hydroxytyrosol acetate biosynthesis. Results: In this study, two de novo biosynthetic pathways for the production of tyrosol acetate and hydroxytyrosol acetate were constructed in Escherichia coli . First, an engineered E. coli that allows production of tyrosol from simple carbon sources was established. Four aldehyde reductases were compared, and it was found that yeaE is the best aldehyde reductase for tyrosol accumulation. Subsequently, the pathway was extended for tyrosol acetate production by further overexpression of alcohol acetyltransferase ATF1 for the conversion of tyrosol to tyrosol acetate. Finally, the pathway was further extended for hydroxytyrosol acetate production by overexpression of 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-hydroxylase HpaBC. Conclusion: We have successfully established the artificial biosynthetic pathway of tyrosol acetate and hydroxytyrosol acetate from fermentable sugars and demonstrated for the first time the direct fermentative production of tyrosol acetate and hydroxytyrosol acetate from glucose in engineered E. coli