The impact of membrane cleaning with NaOH and HCl on the characteristics and associated changes in ion rejection was investigated in this study. NaOH affected the zeta potential of membranes with a greater concentration of carboxylic groups so that it was negative across the entire pH range investigated. Exposure to NaOH led to swelling of the active layer after each cleaning, especially for poly(piperazineamide) membranes. A 23% increase in the effective pore radii for these membranes after NaOH cleaning for 18 h led to 25, 36, 53 and 62% decrease in the rejection of magnesium, calcium, sodium, and chloride ions, respectively. Sulfate rejection decreased only slightly even for poly(piperazineamide) membranes (i.e., 7%) despite an appreciable increase in pore radii, which can be explained by the impact of charge exclusion on ion rejection that was enhanced by the 16% reduction in zeta potential. On the other hand, cleaning with HCl had a negligible impact on the zeta potential and performance of all membranes evaluated in this study. The increase in permeability after chemical cleaning was in agreement with the decrease in rejection of inorganic ions and correlated well with the effective pore radii measured using the membrane potential technique. The importance of charge exclusion in the rejection of inorganic ions was highlighted by the observed differences in rejection and permeability values when testing membranes after NaOH cleaning.