It is Estimated That one in ten adults Suffers CKD (chronical kidney dissease) in the world, a result to a progressive Increase in the incidence and prevalence of chronic diseases, Which are able not only to trigger it, but Also to accelerate the progress of it Until the stage V and merit renal replacement therapy.General Objective: To know the different underlying conditions That trigger boxes chronic renal failure leading to renal replacement therapy or hemodialysis Patients in a private center of Valencia-Carabobo Materials and Methods: A descriptive study With field design, clinical and epidemiological and transitional was Conducted by reviewing 86 clinical records, records of current: such as medical data of all ADMITTED Patients in hemodialysis units of the Clinical Center in the 2015 Results: history of hypertension in 92%, 53% DM, ITU 30%.52.3% are over 60 years Patients.Conclusion: Among the underlying conditions are more closely related That to the development of ERC With entrance to hemodialysis unit of a private medical center find the development of nephrosclerosis, followed by diabetes mellitus for the development of diabetic nephropathy and other diseases kidney thirdly, mainly associated pre-existing With anatomical malformations, losing relevance recurrent urinary tract infections.