Deep learning (DL) is a powerful methodology for the recognition and classification of tissue structures in digital pathology. Its performance in prostate cancer pathology is still under intensive investigation. Here we develop DL-based models for the detection of prostate cancer tissue in whole-slide images based on a large high-quality annotated training dataset and a modern state-of-the-art convolutional network architecture (NASNetLarge). The overall accuracy of our model for tumour detection in two validation cohorts is comparable to that of pathologists and reaches 97.3% in a native version and more than 98% using the suggested DL-based augmentation strategies. As a second step, we suggest a new biologically meaningful DL-based algorithm for Gleason grading of prostatic adenocarcinomas with high, human-level performance in prognostic stratification of patients when tested in several well-characterized validation cohorts. Furthermore, we determine the optimal minimal tumour size (real size of approximately 560 × 560 µm) for robust Gleason grading representative of the whole tumour focus. Our approach is realized in the unified digital pathology pipeline, which delivers all the relevant tumour metrics for a pathology report. Deep learning methods can be a powerful part of digital pathology workflows, provided well-annotated training datasets are available. Tolkach and colleagues develop a deep learning model to recognize and grade prostate cancer, based on a convolution neural network and a dataset with high-quality labels at gland-level precision.