Freestanding electrodes for lithium ion batteries are considered as a promising option to increase the total gravimetric energy density of the cells due to a decreased weight of electrochemically inactive materials. We report a simple procedure for the fabrication of freestanding LiFe0.2Mn0.8PO4 (LFMP)/rGO electrodes with a very high loading of active material of 83 wt%, high total loading of up to 8 mg cm−2, high energy density, excellent cycling stability and at the same time very fast charging rate, with a total performance significantly exceeding the values reported in the literature. The keys to the improved electrode performance are optimization of LFMP nanoparticles via nanoscaling and doping; the use of graphene oxide (GO) with its high concentration of surface functional groups favoring the adhesion of high amounts of LFMP nanoparticles, and freeze-casting of the GO-based nanocomposites to prevent the morphology collapse and provide a unique fluffy open microstructure of the freestanding electrodes. The rate and the cycling performance of the obtained freestanding electrodes are superior compared to their Al-foil coated equivalents, especially when calculated for the entire weight of the electrode, due to the extremely reduced content of electrochemically inactive material (17 wt% of electrochemically inactive material in case of the freestanding compared to 90 wt% for the Al-foil based electrode), resulting in 120 mAh g−1electrode in contrast to 10 mAh g−1electrode at 0.2 C. The electrochemical performance of the freestanding LFMP/rGO electrodes is also considerably better than the values reported in literature for freestanding LFMP and LMP composites, and can even keep up with those of LFP-based analogues. The freestanding LFMP/rGO reported in this work is additionally attractive due to its high gravimetric energy density (604 Wh kg−1LFMP at 0.2C). The obtained results demonstrate the advantage of freestanding LiFe0.2Mn0.8PO4/rGO electrodes and their great potential for applications in lithium ion batteries.