The SLC39 family of transporters, otherwise known as ZIPs for Zrt and Irt-like Proteins, function to increase cytosolic levels of transition metals. ZIP transporters have been identified at all phylogenetic levels and are members of the SoLute Carrier (SLC) superfamily. There are fourteen ZIP transporters encoded in the human genome. ZIP transmembrane proteins are expressed in the plasma membrane or membranes of intracellular organelles and have unique expression profiles across cell types. While direct structural efforts including x-ray crystallography, NMR and ab initio approaches have been effective tools in elucidating the structure of ZIPs, direct elucidation of the oligomeric state of these proteins is essential in understanding how wild type ZIP proteins function and whether mutations alter the oligomeric state of ZIPs. Unfortunately, several tools to quantify oligomeric states of proteins require overexpression of proteins which can lead to artifacts in experimental results. In contrast, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is a single-molecule technique which can be used to quantify the oligomeric state of transmembrane proteins. FCS takes advantage of the observation that the molecular brightness of a cluster of fluorescent molecules is directly proportional to the number of fluorescent molecules within the protein complex. This chapter describes how to implement FCS, focused on ZIP transporters, to quantify the oligomeric state of transmembrane in vivo. Included within this chapter are procedures to design constructs for experiments, transfection of mammalian cells as well as data acquisition and analysis. Taken together, FCS is a powerful mechanism to investigate the oligomeric state of proteins embedded within membranes of cells.