Mineralized tissues like bone and dentin are materials that support the distribution of mechanical loads through the body of humans and other animals. While their organic content plays a critical role on the structural behavior of these materials, investigations that quantify the structural properties of collagen fibrils in mineralized tissues at the nanoscale are rather limited. We report a new experimental methodology to prepare samples of dentinal collagen fibrils for evaluation by atomic force microscopy and characterize their mechanical behavior. Specifically, a Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of the collagen fibrils was performed to study their viscoelastic behavior. The capacity for viscous dampening in the fibrils was characterized in terms of measures of the energy dissipation, phase angle and loss modulus in both the peak and trough regions of the fibrils. According to the phase angle and the loss modulus, the peak regions of the fibrils exhibit significantly greater stiffness and capacity for dampening than the trough regions. This new approach will help in exploring the role of collagen fibrils in the mechanical behavior of dentin and other mineralized tissues as well as help to understand the potential effects from changes in fibril confirmation with tissue treatments, aging or that result from chronic disease.