Abstract The plastidial α-glucan phosphorylase (PHS1) can catalyze the elongation and degradation of glucans, but its exact physiological role in plants is not completely deciphered. A plethora of studies have indicated that PHS1 is involved in transitory starch turnover, both in photosynthetic tissues as well as reserve starch accumulation in sink organs of multiple species, by exerting its effects on the plastidial maltodextrin pools. Recent studies have also established its role in the mobilization of short maltooligosaccharides (MOSs), thereby assisting in starch granule initiation. This paper highlights our current findings from studying four constitutive double-knock out mutants related to the plastidial maltodextrin metabolism namely phs1dpe1, phs1ptst2, phs1pgm1 and phs1isa3 of Arabidopsis thaliana. Our studies have indicated different effects on carbon partitioning in these double mutants. The carbon allocation between starch and sucrose in different double mutants varied with respect to time and light conditions with significant overall changes in phs1dpe1. Furthermore, a potential time specific function of PHS1 in maltodextrin metabolism has come to light. Changes in maltodextrin turnover exerted effects on the starch granule number and size in the double mutants especially phs1dpe1. The characterized double mutants have been further assessed in terms of photosynthetic efficiency, and starch parameters such as internal structure and morphology in detail. Our results have shown that the different photosynthetic parameters in pgm1 and its corresponding double mutant were affected relative to WT and phs1. However, other double mutants were not impaired in terms of photosynthetic efficiency despite alterations in their MOS levels.