A green screening method to determine cashew nut adulteration with Brazilian nut, pecan nut, macadamia nut and peanut was proposed. The method was based on the development of a one-class soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA) model for non-adulterated cashew nuts using near-infrared (NIR) spectra obtained with portable equipment. Once the model is established, the assignment of unknown samples depends on the threshold established for the authentic class, which is a key aspect in any screening approach. The authors propose innovatively to define two thresholds: lower model distance limit and upper model distance limit. Samples with distances below the lower threshold are assigned as non-adulterated with a 100% probability; samples with distance values greater than the upper threshold are assigned as adulterated with a 100% probability; and samples with distances within these two thresholds will be considered uncertain and should be submitted to a confirmatory analysis. Thus, the possibility of error in the sample assignment significantly decreases. In the present study, when just one threshold was defined, values greater than 95% for the optimized threshold were obtained for both selectivity and specificity. When two class thresholds were defined, the percentage of samples with uncertain assignment changes according to the adulterant considered, highlighting the case of peanuts, in which 0% of uncertain samples was obtained. Considering all adulterants, the number of samples that were submitted to a confirmatory analysis was quite low, 5 of 224 adulterated samples and 3 of 56 non-adulterated samples.