Silica exhibits exceptional properties for biomedical applications, including drug delivery. Although bulk silica is generally safe, the distinct characteristics of nanosized silica necessitate further investigation. Varying manufacturing conditions generate different silica surfaces and chemically distinct silanol groups. Recent advancements have demonstrated the utility of experimental and in silico approaches in characterizing silica surface properties that determine the fate and outcomes of nano silica/bio interactions. Silica exhibits exceptional properties for biomedical applications, including drug delivery. Although bulk silica is generally safe, the distinct characteristics of nanosized silica necessitate further investigation. Varying manufacturing conditions generate different silica surfaces and chemically distinct silanol groups. Recent advancements have demonstrated the utility of experimental and in silico approaches in characterizing silica surface properties that determine the fate and outcomes of nano silica/bio interactions. Revisiting the impacts of silica nanoparticles on endothelial cell junctions and tumor metastasisXu et al.ChemApril 4, 2023In BriefFumed silica nanoparticles fabricated at elevated temperatures have been most recently reported to cause severe endothelial leakiness and extensive cancer cell intravasation and consequently promote cancer metastasis. To clarify these biosafety issues of silica, we synthesized mesoporous silica (m-SiO2), which is widely used in nanomedicine, by the sol-gel method and modified the surface with polyethylene glycol (PEG). Such synthesized inorganic nanoparticles show a minimized destruction to vascular systems, leading to negligible effects on tumor metastasis in comparison with fumed silica. Full-Text PDF