Prescribed fires are common in forest management, yet we lack a clear picture of how different fire frequencies impact soil systems. Here, we present evidence of microbial community and soil chemistry shifts following sixty years of continuous prescribed fire interval manipulation at the Olustee Experimental Forest in Northeastern Florida. We investigated three fire interval treatments (1 year, 2 years, and 4 years) in addition to an unburned control treatment. We sampled three mineral soil horizons (A, E, and Bh) to elucidate prescribed fire impacts across the soil profile. Our results indicate that only the A horizon was affected by the fire interval manipulations, whereas the deeper E and Bh horizons were minimally impacted. Richness of both bacterial and fungal communities in recurring fire treatments was higher than, and their community composition different from, those in the unburned control in A horizon soils. Similar to the biotic soil attributes, fire interval treatments altered soil chemistry only in the top-most A horizon: the burned treatments had higher total nitrogen, total carbon, phosphorus, and NH4+ than the fire exclusion treatment; the soil chemistry of the deeper E and Bh horizons did not differ among the treatments. All soil chemistry properties correlated with bacterial community composition of the A horizon and nearly all properties correlated with fungal community composition of the A horizon as well, especially when comparing the more frequent burns to the fire exclusion treatment. Indicator taxon analyses identified fire-responsive bacteria and fungi, such as Ktedonobacteria sp. and an unclassified ascomycete that were abundant in the fire exclusion treatment and the ectomycorrhizal Russula spp. that were most abundant in the annual burn treatment. The different fire intervals also impacted fungal guilds, suggesting shifts in community function. The fire exclusion treatment was enriched with ectomycorrhizal, lichenized, and wood saprotrophic fungi, whereas the annual burn treatment was enriched with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi compared to the other treatments. Our results indicate that long-term changes in the type and amount of detrital inputs and changes in the plant community associated with differing fire frequencies can induce shifts in the soil microbial community.