Background: Atherosclerotic disease of erection-related arteries is a major reason for erectile dysfunction (ED). Lp(a) has been implied in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis in the coronary and lower limb arteries. Here, we investigated if Lp(a) plays a specific role in ED due with symptomatic pelvic artery atherosclerosis. Patients and methods: Out of 276 consecutive patients treated for ED with angioplasties on proximal (69%) and distal (31%, distal to Alcock channel) erection-related arteries, 236 patients (age: 62±10 years) of which Lp(a) values were available were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The baseline International Index of Erectile Function-15 (IIEF-15) score was 29±15 and significantly increased to 43±20 (increase: 14±21) after treatment at average follow up of 286±201 days. In 25%, Lp(a) values were elevated to more than 30 mg/dL. Hypercholesterolemia, coronary, lower extremity peripheral, and polyvascular disease were more common in patients with Lp(a) ≥60 mg/dl. Anatomic arterial lesion distribution (proximal/distal), improvement in IIEF-15 and clinically driven re-intervention rate (overall 7%) did not differ between patients with <30, 30-59, and ≥60 mg/dL Lp(a). Conclusions: While angioplasty is an effective therapy for ED of arterial origin in patients with obstruction of erection-related arteries, Lp(a) does not seem to play a major role for clinical outcomes in these patients.