Abstract Laser deep penetration welding is characterized by the formation of a vapor capillary (keyhole) and a high overall absorption (coupling rate) of the laser radiation in comparison to heat conduction welding. Due to multiple reflexions within the highly dynamic keyhole, the absorption mechanisms are very complex. The questions, how a laser beam interacts with the existing keyhole, and, if shadowing effects occur, are a matter of concern for several researchers. In this study, the hypothesis that the beam of a laser source can be transmitted to a significant extent through an existing keyhole and acts predominantly at the keyhole bottom was investigated. Experiments were carried out on mild steel and technical pure aluminum, using a specially designed optical system, which allows to coaxially combine two laser beams and to adjust their settings like the energy and the focal plane individually. A combination of a disk laser with a focal diameter of 390 µm and a single-mode fiber laser with a focal diameter of 30 µm was used. Weld depths and seam shapes were analyzed in cross and longitudinal sections. Based on the results, it is shown that the much smaller focal diameter of the single-mode laser beam acted at the bottom of the keyhole and caused a kind of “keyhole-in-keyhole formation” in the form of a local maximum in weld depth whose expression depended on the focal plane of the single-mode laser beam.