The changes of capsaicinoids in the pericarp and placenta of Jeromin pepper fruits, collected at two different stages of plant's maturity (young and adult), has been studied throughout the ripening process. This variety is used in the production of "Pimentón de La Vera" and recognized under a Protected Designation of Origin, so it is of great importance to determine their optimum harvesting time to get the most of its beneficial health effects. Capsaicinoids reached the maximum concentration on the 30th days post-anthesis (dpa) for the young plant, while in the adult plant it was later, specifically on 40th and 60th dpa for the placenta and pericarp, respectively. From this moment on, a sharp decrease in their content is observed. In addition, higher amounts of total capsaicinoids have been found in the second stage of plant maturity with respect to the first one, both in the placenta and in the pericarp.