A unique method of a PLC controller based performance evaluation of optimization algorithms and power quality methods in a grid-connected hybrid wind-solar system
The electricity demand is growing due to increasing population and fast industrial development . To meet the worldwide energy requirement, the greatest possibilities are the wind-solar energy sources due to excessive accessibility, simplicity in use, and non-polluting in nature . The integration of these resources offers higher advantages, but the quality of the power scheme gets influenced by the different characteristics of wind and solar energy. Thus in the proposed work, an augmented controller and rectifier have been designed to improve the power quality in which the source current gets optimized by using the Hybrid Bat-Dragonfly optimization algorithm. The quality of the optimized power will be enhanced through the Five Legged Power Converter (FLPC) by converting the DC into AC by using a three-phase bridge rectifier without any power loss. The occurrences of harmonics in the current are reduced using a sieve optimized algorithm design.