Soft magnetic ferrites with exceptional magnetic characteristics and low power loss are in continuous demand in both academia and industry. In this work, a series of Ni0.22Cu0.31Zn0.47Fe1.98O4 ferrites doped with 0.5 wt% V2O5 and different SiO2-B2O3-ZnO-K2CO3-Na2CO3 (SBZKN) contents were synthesized using a conventional solid-phase method under a low sintering temperature of 925 ℃. The crystal phase, density, microstructure, grain size distribution, magnetic characteristics and power loss of the NiCuZn ferrites were studies to elucidate the composition-structure-property relationship. The underlying mechanisms were also thoroughly analyzed. The results showed that all the samples had a single-crystalline phase and dense microstructure when sintered at 925 ℃. As the SBZKN content increased, the density, saturation magnetization (Ms), residual magnetization (Br), complex permeability and quality factor (Q factor) exhibited a varying trend that increased initially and then decreased, while the coercivity (Hc) and power loss (Pcv) showed the opposite trend. The highest values of density, Ms, Br, magnetic permeability and Q factor of NiCuZn ferrites, obtained at an SBZKN content of 0.3 wt%, were 5.121 g/cm3, 51.07 emu/g, 188.47 mT, 389.8 and 114.3, respectively, while the lowest Hc and Pcv were obtained. The analysis showed that these outstanding magnetic and power loss characteristics were attributed to the uniform distribution of grain size and densification of NiCuZn facilitated by V2O5 and SBZKN incorporation.