The potential impacts of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) on society are receiving increased attention owing to the rapid growth of these technologies during the fourth industrial revolution. Thus, a detailed analysis of the positive implications and drawbacks of AI technology in human society is necessary. The development of AI technology has created new markets and employment opportunities in vital industries, including transportation, health, education, and the environment. According to experts, the rapidly increasing improvements in AI will continue. As part of humankind's continual efforts to create more prosperous technological growth, automation and AI are changing people's lives and are widely considered to be game-changers in a variety of industries. This study presents a review of how automation and AI may affect businesses and jobs. To determine some of the prospective long-term consequences of AI on human civilisation, this study investigates a variety of connected primary impacting potentials, including job losses, employees' well-being, dehumanisation of jobs, fear of AI, and examples of autonomous technology developments, such as autonomous-vehicle challenges. A diverse methodology of narrative review and thematic pattern was used to add to transdisciplinary or multidisciplinary work, particularly in the theoretical development of AI technologies.