Abstract Climate changes had major impacts on the vegetation of East Asia during the last deglaciation. However, the rate and pattern of vegetation succession in response to large-scale climatic events during this interval are controversial. Here, we present well-dated decadal-resolution pollen records from annually laminated Maar Lake Xiaolongwan during the last deglaciation. The vegetation changes were rapid and near-synchronous with millennial-scale climatic events, including Greenland Stadial 2.1a (GS-2.1a), Greenland Interstadial 1 (GI-1), Greenland Stadial 1 (GS-1), and the early Holocene (EH). The vegetation responded in different ways to the different rates of climate change. Vegetation change was gradual [∼1 thousand years (kyr) response time] during the transition between GS-2.1a and GI-1, but it was faster (∼0.4 kyr response time) during the transitions between GI-1, GS-1, and the EH, resulting in different patterns of vegetation succession. Additionally, the amplitude and pattern of vegetation changes resembled those in the records of regional climate change based on long-chain n-alkanes δ13C and stalagmite δ18O, as well as in the mid-latitude Northern Hemisphere temperature record and the Greenland ice core δ18O record. Therefore, the rate and pattern of vegetation succession in the Changbai Mountain of Northeast Asia during the last deglaciation were sensitive to the characteristics of changes in the regional hydrothermal conditions and mid-latitude Northern Hemisphere temperature, which were linked to both high- and low-latitude atmospheric-oceanic dynamics. Overall, our findings reveal a close relationship between ecosystem succession and hydrothermal changes during these millennial-scale climatic events in East Asia during the last deglaciation.