Many heterogeneous reduction reactions are hampered by the generated intermediate products located at the interface of reactants, resulting in reducing the reaction area or slowing down the mass transfer and thereby shutting off or slowing down the reaction. Thus, removing the unwanted intermediate products from the reaction interface is key to enabling a rapid and sufficient reduction rate and rationally mediating the product sizes and structures. Herein, we employ solid NaCl to absorb the intermediate molten ZnCl2 generated at the liquid Zn-SiCl4 gas interface, making the reaction happen continuously and sufficiently at a relatively low temperature of below 450 °C. In addition to refreshing the reaction interface, NaCl acts as a buffer to absorb the reaction heat, ensuring the production of hollow Si inherited from the spherical liquid Zn template. As a result, the yield of Si reaches over 95% within 2 h and the Si particle size is below 200 nm. Further, the obtained Si anode has an initial Coulombic efficiency of 86.7% and delivers a capacity of 1580 mAh g−1 at 3 A g−1 after 350 cycles with a capacity retention of 90.6%. Overall, this paper provides an effective strategy for engineering the reaction interface and revalorizing waste SiCl4 for making Li-storage Si anodes.