Optical metasurfaces have been heralded as the platform to integrate multiple functionalities in a compact form-factor, with the potential to replace bulky optical components. A central stepping stone toward realizing this promise is the demonstration of multifunctionality under several constraints (e.g., at multiple incident wavelengths and/or angles) in a single device, an achievement being hampered by design limitations inherent to single-layer planar geometries. Here, we propose a framework for the inverse design of multilayer metaoptics via topology optimization, showing that even few-wavelength thick devices can achieve high-efficiency multifunctionality, such as multiangle light concentration and plan-achromaticity. We embody our framework in multiple closely spaced patterned layers of a low-index polymer, with fabrication constraints specific to this platform enforced in the optimization process. We experimentally demonstrate our approach with an inverse-designed 3D-printed light concentrator working at five different nonparaxial angles of incidence. Our framework paves the way toward realizing multifunctional ultracompact 3D nanophotonic devices.