Isolating circulating tumor cells (CTCs) from the blood plays an important role in the specific treatment of tumor diseases. In this study, a dissipative particle dynamics method combined with a spring-based cell model was employed to simulate the motion of a single or two cells in the microchannel with a square cavity. For a single cell with a small diameter, it will be captured by the square cavity at an appropriate flow rate. For cells whose diameter is not small enough compared to the opening size of the square cavity, they will not be captured at any flow rate. Based on this, cells of different sizes could be successfully separated when passing through this microchannel. Through the analysis of the flow behavior of uncaptured cells, the movement of cells in microchannels is divided into four stages: “guiding,” “rapid,” “slow”, and “ascending” according to the lateral movement speed and centroid position of cells. When the CTC moves together with a red blood cell, as the flow rate decreases, it would be trapped by the microcavity, whereas the RBC is not captured. Thus, CTC can be isolated from blood samples of cancer patients. The method of predicting cell movement behavior through simulation can also provide some reference for the design of microfluidic channels.