For the world of education, including students, instructors, and policymakers for adoption of digital literacy has now become a key concern. Teachers must be aware of the importance of mastering digital literacy in the learning experience. After the Covid-19 epidemic, this research intends to examine educator knowledge of the application of digital literacy in the learning process. The study employs a quantitative descriptive technique to carefully review the types of teacher digital literacy awareness, supportive factors in the usage of digital literacy, and the consequences of tutor computer literacy recognition following the Covid 19 epidemic. The research process was conducted in the Islamic Public Senior High School (MAN) in Palembang, Sumatra. The consistent findings indicated that positive' competence of digital literacy was significant in terms of their capacity to use technology about 100%. The most influential supporting factor correctly is the motivation of friends (97.90%). The implication of using digital literacy for teachers is the execution of virtual meeting learning (94%). The logical conclusion of this study is that teachers develop awareness in utilizing technology, and it is more effortless to convey material after the Covid-19 pandemic. Mastery of digital literacy for teachers needs to be carefully reviewed to the stage of performance and application to students.