• We studied mixed traffic interactions from a manual driver’s perspective. • Manual drivers can identify automated vehicles by their driving behavior. • Drivers rated interactions with automated vehicles as safe as those with manual drivers. • Strict rule-following can lead to manual drivers keeping short a time headway to lead Level 3 vehicles. • A status eHMI for Level 3 vehicles on the highway might not be recommendable. Soon, manual drivers will interact with conditionally automated vehicles (CAVs; SAE Level 3) in a mixed traffic on highways. As of yet, it is largely unclear how manual drivers will perceive and react to this new type of vehicle. In a driving simulator study with N = 51 participants aged 20 to 71 years (22 female), we examined the experience and driving behavior of manual drivers at first contact with Level 3 vehicles in four realistic driving scenarios (highway entry, overtaking, merging, introduction of a speed limit) that Level 3 vehicles may handle alone once their operational domain extends beyond driving in congested traffic. We also investigated the effect of an external marking via a visual external human–machine interface (eHMI), with participants being randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups (none, correct, incorrect marking). Participants experienced each driving scenario four times, twice with a human-driven vehicle (HDV), and twice with a CAV. After each interaction, participants rated perceived driving mode of the target vehicle as well as perceived safety and comfort. Minimum time headways between participants and target vehicles served as an indicator of safety criticality in the interactions. Results showed manual driver can distinguish CAVs from HDVs based on behavioral differences. In all driving scenarios, participants rated interactions with CAVs at least as safe as interactions with HDVs. The driving data analysis showed that manual driver interactions with CAVs were largely uncritical. However, the CAVs’ strict rule-compliance led to short time headways of following manual drivers in some cases. The eHMI used in this study neither affected the subjective ratings of the manual drivers nor their driving behavior in mixed traffic. Thus, the results do not support the use of eHMIs on the highway, at least not for the eHMI design used in this study.