Forty-eight growing pigs (23 kg BW) were assigned to four treatments (n = 12) arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial. Dietary energy source (conventional [CON] vs high-oil corn [HOC]), with or without an immunological challenge (IC) regimen constituted main effects. The IC regimen consisted of injection of endotoxin (E. coli lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) and vaccination for porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome (PRRS). Growth performance data were collected over a 5-wk period and are presented as prechallenge (d 1 to 14; d 1 was the 1st d of the study), challenge (d 15 to 21), and postchallenge (d 22 to 36) periods, and overall. Overall, the pigs fed HOC consumed less feed (P < .11) and gained more efficiently (P < .03). During the immunological challenge period, ADG was depressed 21% and feed intake 15% (P < .01). The IC resulted in lower (P < .01) serum α-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) concentrations on d 22, and the magnitude of the reduction was greater in the pigs fed the CON diet (energy source × immune challenge, P < .10). Serum AGP concentrations remained lower (P < .08) in challenged pigs on d 36. Immunoreactive prostaglandin concentrations were higher (55%, P < .08) in the pigs fed HOC immediately following the IC period (d 22). The data reported herein indicate that the performance of pigs fed HOC is satisfactory, and that feeding HOC does not compromise growth performance during or after an immunological challenge.