Abstract Apple polyphenols (APPs) are biologically active flavonoids that have antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory, improving insulin sensitivity, hypocholesterolaemic effect and antiviral properties. This study was conducted to explore effects of dietary APPs supplementation on antioxidant activities and lipid metabolism in weaned piglets. Fifty‐four weaned piglets (half male and female) were randomly divided into three groups with six replicates in each group and three piglets in each repetition. Piglets were fed control diet (basal diet) or a control diet supplemented with 400 mg/kg or 800 mg/kg APPs for 6 weeks. Blood and liver samples were collected to determine biochemical, antioxidant and lipid metabolism parameters. Here we showed that dietary APPs supplementation increased HDL‐C and decreased T‐CHO, TG and LDL‐C concentrations. Dietary APPs supplementation increased antioxidative capacity in serum and CAT activity in liver, and significantly increased the mRNA expressions of CAT , GST and SOD1 in liver. ACC mRNA level and LPL activity were tended to decrease by APPs. HMG‐CoAR , CTP7A1 , CD36 and FATP1 mRNA levels were decreased by APPs, while LDL‐R , PGC‐1α , Sirt1 and CPT1b mRNA levels were increased by 400 mg/kg APPs. No alterations in growth performance were found in all treatments. This study firstly provided the evidence that dietary APPs supplementation could enhance systemic antioxidant capacity and improve lipid metabolism in weaned piglets. The mechanism by which APPs improve lipid metabolism might be through regulating hepatic cholesterol metabolism and increasing fatty acid oxidation, and decreasing fatty acid uptake and de novo synthesis.