Evidence accumulated from clinical and basic research has indirectly implicated the insulin receptor (IR) in brain cognitive functions, including learning and memory (Wickelgren, I. (1998) Science 280, 517–519). The present study investigates correlative changes in IR expression, phosphorylation, and associated signaling molecules in the rat hippocampus following water maze training. Although the distribution of IR protein matched that of IR mRNA in most forebrain regions, a dissociation of the IR mRNA and protein expression patterns was found in the cerebellar cortex. After training, IR mRNA in the CA1 and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus was up-regulated, and there was increased accumulation of IR protein in the hippocampal crude synaptic membrane fraction. In the CA1 pyramidal neurons, changes in the distribution pattern of IR in particular cellular compartments, such as the nucleus and dendritic regions, was observed only in trained animals. Although IR showed a low level of in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation, an insulin-stimulated increase of in vitro Tyr phosphorylation of IR was detected in trained animals, suggesting that learning may induce IR functional changes, such as enhanced receptor sensitivity. Furthermore, a training-induced co-immunoprecipitation of IR with Shc-66 was detected, along with changes in in vivo Tyr phosphorylation of Shc and mitogen-activated protein kinase, as well as accumulation of Shc-66, Shc-52, and Grb-2 in hippocampal synaptic membrane fractions following training. These findings suggest that IR may participate in memory processing through activation of its receptor Tyr kinase activity, and they suggest possible engagement of Shc/Grb-2/Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades.