An objective classification for abdominoplasty based on myoaponeurotic deformities is described. Types A, B, C, and D correspond to different myoaponeurotic deformities. Patients with type A display rectus diastasis secondary to pregnancy, and plication of the anterior rectus sheath is indicated. Patients with type B present with laxity of the lateral and inferior areas of the abdominal wall after approximation of the anterior rectus sheaths. An L-shaped plication of the external oblique aponeurosis is performed in addition to the correction of rectus diastasis. Patients with type C are those whose rectus muscles are laterally inserted on the costal margins. Release and undermining of the rectus muscles from their posterior sheath and advancement of these muscles, attached to the anterior sheath, is the procedure of choice in these cases. Patients with type D display a poor waistline definition; external oblique muscle rotation associated with plication of the anterior rectus sheath is the procedure used to correct this deformity. Eighty-eight patients who underwent abdominoplasty were reviewed, and the incidence of each deformity was determined on this population. This study presents a practical classification that permits the plastic surgeon to critically evaluate which is the best option to correct abdominal deformities considering specific areas of myoaponeurotic weakness. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 108: 1787, 2001.)