In the autumn of last year (1897), Sir A. Geikie, F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Survey, kindly placed in my hands for description an important collection of fossil fish-remains from the Silurian rocks of the Lesmahagow district, which had been made by Messrs Macconochie and Tait, collectors to the Survey. I accordingly prepared a brief report on these fishes, which was included by the Director-General in his Summary of Progress for that year. The collection was, however, considerably increased by additional work on the part of Mr Tait in the spring of the present year (1898). Many better and more complete specimens were procured, and I was able to define one new genus and species, which had previously been represented only by undeterminable fragments. The results gained by the examination of the entire collection I now propose, with Sir Archibald Geikie's sanction, to lay before this Society in detailed form.