In a study of 11 patients with advanced-stage chronic myeloid leukemia (or Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoid leukemia) who relapsed during treatment with the kinase inhibitor STI-571 (Gleevec), our group reported BCR-ABL gene amplification and kinase domain mutation as potential mechanisms of resistance ([1][1]). Specifically, three patients had gene amplification and six patients had a point mutation resulting in a threonine-to-isoleucine change at amino acid position 315 (T315I) of the ABL kinase domain. Subsequently, Technical Comments were published from two groups (Barthe et al. and Hochhaus et al. ) who reported that they were unable to detect the T315I mutation in such patients ([2][2]). Both groups did, however, detect kinase domain mutations in a different residue in two patients (E255K and E255V).
As described in abstracts for the 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, four groups, including Hochhaus and colleagues ([3][3]), have now detected patients with the T315I mutation ([3][3], [4][4]). All the groups, including ours, have detected additional kinase domain mutations. The overall contribution of these mutations versus other potential resistance mechanisms remains to be defined.
1. [↵][5]1. M. E. Gorre 2. et al.
, Science 293, 876 (2001).
[OpenUrl][6][Abstract/FREE Full Text][7]
2. [↵][8]1. C. Barthe 2. et al.
, Science 293, 2163 (summary) (2001). Full available at ; A. Hochhaus et al., ibid. ; M. E. Gorre et al., ibid.
3. [↵][9]1. S. Kreil 2. et al.
, Abstracts for the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Orlando, FL, 7 to 11 December 2001, abstr. 1823. Available at .
4. [↵][10]1. S. Branford 2. et al.
, in (3), abstr. 3204; N. Shah et al., .
[1]: #ref-1
[2]: #ref-2
[3]: #ref-3
[4]: #ref-4
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[8]: #xref-ref-2-1 View reference 2 in text
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