We report a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator (OPO) based on the nonlinear material BiB3O6. The OPO is synchronously pumped in the blue by the second harmonic of a Kerr-lens-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. It can provide wide and continuous tuning across the entire green-yellow-orange-red spectral range with a single crystal and a single set of mirrors. Using a 500 microm BiB3O6 crystal and collinear type I (e+e->o) phase matching in the optical yz plane, a signal wavelength range of 480-710 nm is demonstrated with angle tuning at room temperature at average output powers of 270 mW. With 220 fs blue pump pulses, near-transform-limited signal pulses of 120 fs duration have been obtained at 76 MHz repetition rate.