The dynamic locking screw (DLS) in association with minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) in a bridging construct for simple metadiaphyseal long bone fractures enables modulation of the rigidity of the system and facilitates the development of early and triplanar bone callus. Twenty patients affected by distal tibial fracture were treated with MIPO bridging technique and DLS at the proximal side of the fracture. Time of consolidation, quality of the reduction, complications and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score were monitored and the results compared with those from a control group treated with only standard screws on both fracture sides. Student t-test for independent samples was used for the comparison of means between the two groups. Chi-square test was used for the comparison of proportions. A multiple logistic regression model was constructed to assess the possible confounding effects. Performance was considered significant for p<0.05. The mean healing time was 17.6 ± 2.8 weeks in the group treated with standard screws and 13.5 ± 1.8 weeks in the group treated with DLS (t=5.5, p<0.0001). The DLS was associated with early healing and triplanar bone callus.