期刊:Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion [IOP Publishing] 日期:2021-04-16卷期号:63 (7): 075004-075004被引量:1
Abstract The ion ( T i ) and electron ( T e ) temperatures at the last closed flux surface (LCFS) during density scanning discharges and in the scrape-off layer (SOL) with a constant plasma density have been measured in the J-TEXT tokamak using a retarding field analyzer and four-tip Langmuir probe, respectively. Both the LCFS T i and T e are found to reduce with increasing central line-averaged density ( nˉe ). The temperature ratio ( τ = T i / T e ) is about 2 for a low n¯e (1.5 → 2.5 × 10 19 m −3 ), decays in a moderate nˉe (2.5 → 3.5 × 10 19 m −3 ) and tends to unity at a high nˉe (3.5 → 4.2 × 10 19 m −3 ). This suggests that the ions and electrons at the LCFS (even in the SOL) are thermally decoupled at low or moderate nˉe and tend to full thermal coupling in the high-density plasmas. In addition, both T i and T e decrease with the radius and T e falls more steeply than T i due to faster parallel energy loss of electrons in the SOL. In contrast, τ rises with the radius, which indicates that the ions and electrons are much more thermally decoupled in the deeper SOL.