A series of Na5YSi4O12:xEu3+ (x = 0–100 mol%) red-emitting phosphors were prepared by the solid-state method. The powder X-Ray diffraction (XRD) measurement was introduced and the crystal structure of the phosphors was crystallized in the trigonal system with the space group of R -3c (167). The concentration dependent photoluminescent excitation spectra (PLE), emission spectra (PL) as well as luminescence decay curves were recorded and the optimum doping concentration of Eu3+ ions was evaluated. The synthesized phosphors can be efficiently excited by ultraviolet (UV) to blue light and emit bright red-emitting. Under the excitation of 266 nm wavelength, several emission bands can be observed, ascribing to the transitions from excited state of 5D0 to the ground states of 7F0-4. It is somewhat unexpected that the PL emission from the 5D0 → 7F0 transition is remarkable, which is principally believed to be forbidden. The intensity and decay lifetime of the emission were measured to vary strongly with temperature, indicating that the as-synthesized silicates with excellent photoluminescence properties could be promised for multifunctional applications. In addition, the luminescence mechanism was briefly discussed.